Getron PRIX - Prescriptive Cost + Pricing

Actionable Recommendations by Forecasting Cost, Demand & Price Simultaneously

Gives actionable recommendations and insights considering cost factors through explainable AI technology.

Getron PRIX simultaneously forecasts costs, demand, and pricing. It is highly sensitive to price elasticity & seasonality factors. You can also switch between what-if scenarios for margin or set any target.


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Price Inflation | Cost Inflation | Basket Analysis | Pricing Insights | Cross Sales Ratio | Profitability | Sales Variance | Production | Product Unit Cost | Volume Effect | Turnover Rate | Cost of Factor | Cost of Funds | Whale Curve | Recommendation | Cross-selling | Seasonality | Price Elasticity | Dynamic Pricing | KPI | Delisting | Demand | Backorder | Open Order | Optimal | Fixed Cost | Variable Cost | Price Discrimination | Order Quantity 

Main Features

  • Cost of Factor and Spread Analysis
  • Sales & Production Index and Basket Analysis
  • Sales Variance Analysis
  • Product Unit Cost Estimation
  • Profitability Analysis & Price Recommendations
  • Getron App & Mass Customization Interface

Sub Features

Cost of Factor and Spread Analysis

  • Like to like comparison of changes in cost items (COF) & in turnover due to price effects
  • Display of spread value
  • Determining products with negative spreads requiring action
  • Change of monthly spread & turnover ratio and forward estimation
  • Change of volume effect and monthly turnover rate
  • Monthly COF change and forecast

Sub Features

Sales & Production Index and Basket Analysis

  • Display at product and location hierarchy level
  • Inflation basket
  • Products to act on
  • Forecasting of sales and production index
  • Cross-selling analyses by co-sold products & product groups, customer & order, turnover & number of sales
  • Cross sell distribution analysis by product group

Sub Features

Sales Variance Analysis

  • Display of the factors effecting the turnover differences in like-to-like comparisons
  • Analyses based on product and location hierarchy
  • Analyses on annual, quarterly, monthly and YTD basis

Sub Features

Product Unit Cost Estimation

  • Fixed and variable cost estimation
  • Estimation of production quantity effecting fixed cost
  • Estimating cost items separately

Sub Features

Profitability Analysis & Price Recommendations

  • Product group profitability distribution analysis
  • Price action chart
  • Whale curve analysis
  • In line markup recommendations with price action matrix
  • Price recommendations including cost factors by simultaneously forecasting cost, demand, and pricing
  • Increased sensitivity to seasonality and price elasticity
  • Switching between what-if scenarios in terms of profitability

Sub Features

Getron App & Mass Customization Interface

  • Managing the business rules and policies of your supply chain operations with no-code
  • Supervising the fundamental configurations and parameters of Getron AI Services
  • Role & permission management for all layers
  • Direct integration of Getron AI Services’ work orders to customer ERP
  • Access to raw data, time series data, and data management panel

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